Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

An excerpt from: Occult Ether Physics Book

by William R. Lyne

According to Tesla's lecture prepared for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May. 12, 1938), his "Dynamic Theory of Gravity" was one of two far reaching discoveries, which he "...worked out in all details", in the years 1893 and 1894. The 1938 lecture was less than five years before his death.

More complete statements concerning these discoveries can only be gleaned from scattered and sparse sources, because the papers of Tesla are concealed in government vaults for "national security" reasons. When I specifically asked for these papers at the "National Security Research Center" - now the "Robert J. Oppenheimer Research Center" - in 1979, I was denied access because they were classified, even though on that same day I discovered the plans for the hydrogen bomb on an open shelf, and told a Harvard graduate student about it later in the day at a Santa Fe restaurant. The guy went to Los Alamos, copied the plans, and wrote an expose at Harvard.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


1856, 10 July
Born at Smiljan, a village near Gospić (a small town in Austrian-Empire, now in the Republic of Croatia);
Passed the final examination in the secondary school (Realgymnasi um) at Karlovac;

Friday, January 7, 2011


I stumbled upon an old article about Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray. In my humble opinion it is one of the best articles that were written about Nikola Tesla's Death Ray. It was dated 1994 and it is in a scanned image format. I converted it to text format using an online free OCR surface.  I hope you like it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nikola Tesla’s Wireless Electricity

From the beginning of A. K. Brown's and George Westinghouse's fortuitous partnerships with Tesla, the inventor was at work on other projects above and beyond the AC dynamo. Able to devote himself to the unhindered realization of his countless ideas, he would later recall these years of his life as "little short of continuous rapture."
Tesla's New York laboratory was a hive of continuous activity, with a small staff of assistants working solely from their employer's verbal instructions. His distaste for putting ideas down on paper, coupled with his tendency to get bored with a completed invention and move on to the next challenge, led Tesla to toss aside a large number of creations that he never even bothered to patent. Once, when exhaustion left Tesla in a state of temporary amnesia, his assistant filed for patents on many of the unregistered inventions on Tesla's behalf, and had the master sign the papers while still incapacitated. Tesla's shunning of documentation was of some benefit when fire destroyed the lab in 1895, right after the success at Niagara. The loss was a setback, but not a catastrophic one, since the most valuable of the laboratory's assets remained intact in Tesla's brain.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit The World

This program reveals the discoveries of a forgotten genius, many of which went virtually unnoticed for nearly a century. Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age and one of the most mysterious and controversial scientists in history. How did this obscure visionary from what is now Yugoslavia, lay the foundation for modern communications and energy research?

Nikola Tesla's contributions to science and technology include the invention of radio, television, radio-astronomy, remote control and robotics, radar, medical x-ray and the wireless transmission of electricity. Many of Nikola Tesla's inventions were and in some cases still are considered too revolutionary by government agencies and the power brokers of the time and are discussed in detail in this program.

Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla as one of the top ten most fascinating people in history. So why is he virtually unknown to the general public? This program is a penetrating study of the life and mind of a scientific superman who, against all odds, dedicated his life to the task of designing and improving technology for the service and advancement of humanity.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nikola Tesla - The Forgotten Wizard

Nikola Tesla, who was born in Yugoslavia around 1856-1857, demonstrated the existence of Scalar Energy. Tesla, who became a US citizen in 1891 carried on James Clark Maxwells work and soon began to harness Scalar Energy without using any wires. Tesla referred to this energy as standing energy or universal waves.

Nikola Tesla: Death Ray

Nikola Tesla, one of the truly great inventors who celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on July 10, tells the writer that he stands ready-to divulge to the United States Government the secret of his “teleforce,” with which, he said, airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so that an invisible Chinese Wall of Defense would be built around the country against any attempted attack by an enemy air force, no matter how large.
This “teleforce,” he said is based on an entirely new principle of physics that “no one has ever dreamed about,” different from the principle embodied in his inventions relating to the transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he has received a number of basic patents.